Monday, April 6, 2020

The Hidden Review: Spenser confidential - Film Review


"Judge: Before I sentence you, is there anything further that you would like to add?

Spenser: Yes. That guy deserved it."

The Hidden Review has watched "Spenser Confidential" starring Mark Wahlberg, Winston Duke, and Alan Arkin, directed by Peter Berg. Produced and distributed by Netflix and inspired by the novel Ace Atkins.

We loved the concept, the characters bond together very well, and some twists are interesting to watch (No spoiler ahead), in a way, this reminds a few Bad Boys, but still original at some point. The two characters portrayed by the leads are two different personalities that work together, with some difficulties at the beginning as usual but in the end, their friendship becomes strong enough to build confidence.

As we noticed, it would be interesting to watch the sequel for it. Plus, fighting injustice with justice is something to be proud of. Congrats Cast and crew, for this film!

Thank you, Spencer Confidential Team 😘

Hidden fire stars 7/10 ⭐️

© 2022 The Hidden Review

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Hidden Review: Ford v Ferrari Film Review


"It was a hell of a drive"

The Hidden Review has watched "Ford v Ferrari" as we love cars, F1, Fords, Ferraris, and true stories.

This film is an unbelievably perfect combination of events, moreover, talented actors such as Matt Damon and his charme, Christian Bale and his talent of changing into Characters, Josh Lucas with his good man look, but with a bad guy style, then Jon Bernthal opposite of Lucas's character, and such a powerful guardian angel to be just a man.

All the cast involved made this film very beautiful, the crew and productions, the director's vision, even because talking about an event that happened at Le Mans, 44 years ago and so in 1966 we are not surprised that beautiful films are nominated, and won Oscars and other awards. As we say, it was a hell of a drive, so go behind your wheel, put your belt on, turn on the engine, and go! Fast, fast as much as you can! Because you will enjoy this drive!

Thank you Ford v Ferrari Team ☺️

Hidden Fire stars 10/10 ⭐️

© 2022 The Hidden Review

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