Friday, April 5, 2024

NUOVA ORCHESTRA SCARLATTI | Le Stagioni di Vivaldi e Piazzolla, tra Capri e Napoli

Sabato 6 aprile 2024 ore 17.00, a Capri presso la Certosa di San Giacomo (Via Certosa 10), in collaborazione con la Direzione Regionale dei Musei della Campania e con il sostegno dell’associazione L’Oro di Capri, si terrà il concerto della Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti intitolato “Le Stagioni di Vivaldi e Piazzolla”, con violino solista Riccardo Zamuner.

Il concerto verrà replicato domenica 7 aprile 2024 ore 19.00 a Napoli, presso la Chiesa dei SS. Marcellino e Festo (Largo San Marcellino 10).

All’estro appassionato delle “Quattro Stagioni” di Vivaldi (1725), straordinari ‘paesaggi sonori’ in movimento, calati nella forma del concerto solistico barocco portato alla più pura perfezione, rispondono le "Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas”, capolavori composti da Astor Piazzolla tra il 1964 e il 1970, che intrecciano tradizione colta, jazz e ‘nuevo tango’ in raffinati ‘paesaggi d’anima’ intrisi delle atmosfere di Buenos Aires (grande città di mare come la Venezia di Vivaldi). Non a caso Piazzolla, tra passioni e struggenti nostalgie delle sue Estaciones, cela frammenti melodici e ritmici delle Stagioni vivaldiane, coinvolgendo gli ascoltatori in un gioco di risonanze e contrasti.

Protagonista accanto all’Orchestra, sia in Vivaldi che in Piazzolla, il violino solista di Riccardo Zamuner, giovane talento napoletano in ascesa: classe 1997, perfezionato presso l’Accademia di Santa Cecilia, l’Accademia Chigiana e la “Stauffer” di Cremona, regolarmente invitato a esibirsi nelle più prestigiose istituzioni concertistiche italiane e internazionali, tra cui la Filarmonica di Berlino.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Amazon Announces MGM+ Will Continue Its International Expansion Through Strategic Content Deal with Lionsgate in the UK

The partnership will deliver premium LIONSGATE and STARZ television series and movies to MGM+ subscribers in the UK

MGM+ will be the exclusive home to the complete Outlander franchise in the UK

Today, Amazon announced that MGM+ has struck a strategic deal that will deliver premium Lionsgate and STARZ programming to customers in the UK. Under this partnership, the MGM-branded service will offer leading series and movies from Lionsgate and STARZ in the UK, giving customers access to more hit series and movies. This is the third instalment in a series of content deals that MGM+ previously closed with Lionsgate for Europe and Latin America.

Lionsgate+ subscribers who joined via Prime Video Channels in the UK will now get access to the MGM service beginning in April. Later in May, the MGM service will be rebranded to MGM+ in the UK to align with the recent rebrand that occurred in Europe, Latin America, and the United States. MGM+ is now available in 31 countries and is one of the most subscribed Prime Video Channels globally.

MGM+ in the UK will become the exclusive home to some of STARZ’s most popular first-run TV series, including the complete Outlander franchise, Power Book I-IV, BMF, The Serpent Queen, P-Valley, and Hightown. Additionally, the MGM+ service will become the home to legacy hit series The Great, Mad Men, Nashville, Weeds, as well as blockbuster hit movies American Psycho, Reservoir Dogs, Saw, and many more favourites.

“The expansion of MGM+ in the United Kingdom further cements Amazon’s commitment to invest in and grow the MGM+ channel internationally, while enhancing the content offering available to subscribers,” said Josh McIvor, global general manager, MGM+.

“The addition of premium first-run TV franchises such as Outlander and Power, along with many blockbuster hit movies, will allow MGM+ to continue its evolution as a premium international streaming service,” said Michael Katzer, head of MGM+ International.

“We are pleased to extend our partnership with MGM+ to bring beloved films and television series to the service in the United Kingdom,” said Agapy Kapouranis, Lionsgate president of international television and digital distribution. “With the addition of the United Kingdom, Lionsgate and STARZ content will now be available to MGM+ viewers in more than 20 countries around the world.”

Chase Brisbin and Kathryn Ikenberry Jones negotiated the deal on behalf of Lionsgate.

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