"What does sacrifice mean to you?"
The Hidden Review has watched "Safety" directed by Reginald Hudlin, a movie based on the true story of Ray McelrathBey, a freshman at Clemson University, and a rookie at their American Football team called the Tigers with a scholarship he obtained for his sports skills but also by being an excellent student.
Jay Reeves plays Ray in such a convincing way and so beautifully as a family member, football player and student by showing his humanity. His costar Papa Jay as Fahmarr Mcelrathbey (Ray's brother) plays him brilliantly as a fun and smart young character. The fictional characters are played by Corinne Fox (Kaycee Stone) and Hunter Sansone (Daniel Morelli) respectively. Both show off their personalities as two key friends and a girlfriend who helps him along the way.
However, more than that, the trust built between Ray and his coaches played by James Badge Dale (Coach Simmons) and Matt Glave (Coach Bowden) is really moving as they show their humanities for a situation about a kid who is taking care of his little brother in school, but also the help from his teammates and Clemson community is priceless. All is because of their mother's abuse of drugs who at the time couldn't take care of the kid. Ray as a young man shows off the skills and personality of a true hero who follows the principles of what sacrifice means by touching the rules of discipline, respect and family, which are also applied on a football field and in his studies through these many struggles.
But Ray in order not to lose his rights as a student and not leave his future behind runs 100% there to that final line to make the real-life touchdown achievement that gives him the chance to be a real hero as a brother, father, tutor, athlete and family member as he deserves all the right to be.
Ray, you are an inspiration and an idol for the present generations and yet to come.
Big congratulations to everyone involved, cast and crew.
Safety is available on Disney Plus!
Hidden Fire stars 10/10 ⭐️