Showing posts with label Tv Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tv Review. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2025

Cobra Kai: Non muore mai – Recensione TV


THR ha guardato la stagione finale di Cobra Kai 6. È stato un viaggio lungo—uno che merita di essere vissuto ancora una volta, per l’ultima volta. Analizzando tutte e sei le stagioni di Cobra Kai, possiamo dire che il loro sviluppo, diviso per due, riflette tre atti di una storia, di un universo, di qualcosa che è diventato unico. Non molte saghe, come quella di Karate Kid prima e Cobra Kai poi, riescono a connettere i loro colpi di scena in modo complementare con un unico obiettivo: continuare e concludere ciò che i personaggi amati hanno iniziato negli anni ’80.

Quindi, partiamo dall'inizio.

Le prime due stagioni rappresentano la scoperta dell'ambientazione e l’innesco dell’incidente scatenante per i personaggi.

La scoperta dell'ambientazione è fondamentale perché inizialmente non sappiamo quale sia stato il percorso dei protagonisti dopo gli eventi della trilogia originale di The Karate Kid. Dobbiamo comprendere dove si trovano nel presente, conoscere le loro difficoltà, i loro successi e, di conseguenza, capirli come individui.

Come già sappiamo, i nostri amati personaggi principali appartengono a due mondi diversi, eppure sono connessi. Allo stesso tempo, sapevamo che Daniel e Johnny non si sono mai sopportati, ma la loro rivalità è andata oltre, creando divisioni e conflitti—i cosiddetti “incidenti scatenanti”—tra gli adolescenti coinvolti nella loro storia. Questa tensione influenza le relazioni per tutte le stagioni. Nonostante tutto, alla fine, rimangono il fulcro della serie Cobra Kai.


Le due stagioni successive possono essere identificate come il secondo atto—il punto centrale—dove i conflitti presenti si intrecciano con eventi passati e l'introduzione di nuovi e vecchi personaggi. Questi elementi creano più problemi che mai, ma al tempo stesso offrono ai protagonisti e agli adolescenti in cerca della propria identità lo spazio per crescere ed evolversi. Tuttavia, hanno tutti un nemico comune da sconfiggere: lo stesso torneo in cui tutto ha avuto inizio.


Mentre i conflitti si intensificano, le battaglie sembrano non finire mai, con nuovi dojo che emergono e nuove rivelazioni che creano colpi di scena capaci di mandare tutto all’aria. Nonostante il caos, i nostri amati personaggi trovano gradualmente un equilibrio, diventando più uniti mentre si rendono conto che insieme sono più forti.


Le ultime due stagioni rappresentano il terzo atto—la Risoluzione. A questo punto, i nostri due protagonisti hanno trovato pace e una sorta di collaborazione. La storia svela eventi del passato finora nascosti, ma profondamente legati a loro, rivelando infine la loro vera essenza. La serie trasmette un messaggio potente: nonostante l’esistenza di più dojo, esiste un’unica vera filosofia di fondo. Il karate, come sport e disciplina, offre lezioni di vita e prospettive che cambiano l'esistenza.


Negli anni, la serie ha dimostrato con successo come un franchise amato possa espandere il proprio universo, introdurre nuovi personaggi e conflitti, restando però sempre fedele alle sue radici. Ancora più importante, ha dato a ogni personaggio la possibilità di trovare pace e realizzazione personale, portando la storia a una conclusione soddisfacente in cui ogni tassello del puzzle trova il suo posto—offrendo al pubblico un’esperienza emozionante e piena di speranza.


Analizzando la rappresentazione del Karate e le coreografie dei combattimenti, dobbiamo fare un enorme applauso al team di stunt, agli attori e all’intera troupe. La loro dedizione si percepisce in ogni scena di lotta, rendendo omaggio alla saga originale e portando nuove prospettive.


Anche la fotografia è eccezionale, così come la regia e la produzione. Il team è riuscito a catturare magnificamente l’essenza della serie, riportando anche le location originali della saga, un fattore chiave nel successo di tutto il progetto.


Per quanto riguarda la scrittura, ha avuto un impatto significativo sulla narrazione. Da una grande sceneggiatura nascono grandi interpretazioni. Il talento in questa serie è straordinario: collegare la vecchia generazione con la nuova e creare un'eredità attraverso le loro performance è semplicemente un COMBO perfetto.

È raro creare un impatto così profondo, quindi dobbiamo tutti alzare i pugni e prepararci a difendere questa saga da qualsiasi cattivo che osi sfidarla, perché Cobra Kai non muore mai.

Complimenti a tutti coloro che hanno lavorato a questa produzione e grazie per averci permesso di rivivere ancora una volta il sogno con The Karate Kid e Cobra Kai. Aspettiamo con impazienza il prossimo capitolo.
Streaming ora su Netflix!

Congratulazioni Cast & Crew!

Hidden Fire Star 10/10 ⭐️

Recensione scritta da Al Fenderico

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Cobra Kai: Never Dies – Tv Review


The The Hidden Review has watched the final season of Cobra Kai Season 6. It has been such a long ride—one that needs to be ridden again one last time.
By unpacking all six seasons of Cobra Kai, we can say that all six, divided by two, reflect three acts of a story, of a universe, of something that has become unique. 

Not many stories in a franchise like Karate Kid, and later Cobra Kai, have twists that are connected and complementary for just one mission: to continue and finish what their beloved characters started in the ’80s.

So, let's start from the beginning.

The first two seasons are the discovery of the setting and the inciting incident of the characters.

The setting’s discovery is crucial because we don’t initially know what their journey looks like after the events of the original Karate Kid trilogy. We needed to see where they are in the present, understand their struggles and successes, and, therefore, understand them as individuals.

As we already know, our beloved principal characters belong to two different worlds, yet they are connected. At the same time, we knew that Daniel and Johnny were never fans of each other, but their rivalry escalated to the point of creating divisions and conflicts—inciting incidents—among the teenagers involved in their story. This tension influences relationships throughout all the seasons. Despite everything, in the end, they remain the core of the Cobra Kai series.


The next two seasons can be identified as the second act—the midpoint—where present conflicts resurface, intertwined with past events and the introduction of new and old characters. These additions create more trouble than ever, yet, over time, they also provide space and balance for both the beloved protagonists and the teenagers struggling to find their true identities. However, they all have one common enemy to defeat in the very same tournament where everything began.


As conflicts unfold, the battles seem never-ending, with new dojos emerging and new revelations creating twists that threaten to unravel everything. Despite the chaos, our beloved characters gradually find balance, growing closer as they realize that together, they are stronger.


The last two seasons represent the third act—Resolution. By this point, our two main characters have found peace and a form of collaboration. The story unveils hidden past events that had yet to be discovered but are deeply connected to them, ultimately revealing their true selves. The series delivers the powerful message that, despite the existence of multiple dojos, there is only one true philosophy throughout: karate, as a sport and a discipline, holds life-changing lessons and perspectives.


Over the years, the series has successfully demonstrated how a beloved franchise can expand its universe, introduce new characters and conflicts, and still stay true to its roots. More importantly, it ensures that every character has the opportunity to find peace and fulfillment, bringing the story to a satisfying conclusion where every puzzle piece falls into place—elevating the audience to another level of emotional connection and hope.


By analyzing the portrayal of karate itself and the choreography of all the fights, we must give a huge congratulations to the stunt team, actors, and crew involved. Their dedication to the craft shines through in every battle sequence, doing justice to the original franchise while bringing fresh perspectives.


The cinematography is exceptional, as is the directing and producing. The team has beautifully captured the essence of the series while incorporating original locations from the old franchise, a key factor in its success.


As for the writing, it has had a significant impact on the storytelling. From great writing comes great performances. The talent in this series is remarkable, seamlessly connecting the old generation with the new and cementing a legacy through their performances—a perfect COMBO.

It is rare to create such a profound impact, so we must all raise our fists and steady our stances to protect this franchise from any villains who dare to challenge it, because Cobra Kai never dies.

Overall, congratulations to everyone involved in this production, and thank you for allowing us to relive the dream once again with The Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. We eagerly await the next chapter.
Streaming NOW on Netflix!

Congratulations Cast & Crew!

Hidden Fire Star 10/10 ⭐️

Review written by Al Fenderico

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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The Hidden Review: Psych TV Series and Film Review


“Hello I'm Shawn Spencer and this is my partner Radio Star. I'm afraid your video will kill him.”

The Hidden Review has watched "Psych", "Psych: The Movie" and "Psych 2: Lassie Come Home" written and directed by Steve Franks, James Roday (2 films), and Andy Berman (1 film). The storyline of this beautiful film connects all the previous lives of these characters from the old TV series "Psych" which lasted 8 seasons in 2014. An explosive mix of comedy, drama, and detective genres enchanted the audience in such a smart way that made them feel not only part of the show but part of their jokes, cases to solve and perspectives to live. All talented cast and crew people with amazing chemistry made two films, and one TV series, which do justice to one another each time and are so worth the watch. Besides, not to forget to mention that the last two movies are tributes to two important people who made history in the life of the cast and crew. Tributes to the loss of David Bowie, and the accident of Timothy Omundson that led to a major stroke in 2017, and so the producers and writers of the show, of the movie, made beautifully the stories around them, their characters. We hope to see more of these dramedy and detective movies in future to enchant us into jokes and cases to solve.
The TV series and Psych: the movie is available on Prime Video, and Psych 2: Lassie Come Home is on Peacock TV
Congratulations cast and crew ⭐️
Hidden fire stars 9/10

Review written by Al Fenderico

© 2022 The Hidden Review

Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Hidden Review: Cobra Kai Season 3 - TV Review


"The enemy of your enemy is your friend"

The Hidden Review has watched Cobra Kai Season 3, premiering on January 1st on Netflix, and this season stars the same cast members. The story follows the tragic fight at the school last season and the kids' ups and downs regarding claiming revenge, making new partnerships, and living with an angry mindset all the time.

The rivalry between Larusso and Lawrence never lasts until they find out who the antagonist is in the story, and with the help of the arrival of old characters whose lead to make their good paths cross, hopefully for good.

The bullying, breakups, and friend relationships of the kids never finish as their claim for revenge for what happens with Miguel, but as he finds a way to survive, the revenge at times meets compassion and partnership for a compelling turning point and twists which raises the stakes throughout the 3rd season which accomplished beautifully their bond relationships.

Hopefully, all found their identities in All Valley, which made them stronger together. The photography is still interesting, and the fight choreographies are also pretty good at times, with no spoilers about the fights which are also interesting to watch.

All actors, directors, fight coordinators, and writers are very good at their jobs and hope to see the same in future seasons.

Congratulations, cast and crew team!

Hidden fire stars 8/10 ⭐️

Review written by Al Fenderico

© 2021 The Hidden Review

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