Nathan, how did you identify yourself as a writer? Who inspires you the most?
I like to write things that make people laugh, cry and think. I like stories that are rooted in humanity and common themes that everyone in life will experience in one form or another, whether that be relationships, passions and other coming–of-age experiences.
I am inspired by writers including Matthew Graham, Ashley Pharoah, Cathy Crabb, Tom Davis, Jed Mercurio and Russell T Davies. All of those have brilliant storytelling abilities, creating clear, engaging shows which are impossible to stop watching once you have begun.
Moreover, you graduated from The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, such a huge drama school worldwide, how was your experience there and what did you discover about yourself after that?
I found my time there insightful and useful. I had only ever really written musicals before joining Central, and the Writing for Performance degree greatly helped me expand my skill set, and I gained new experiences writing for different mediums, including children's theatre, immersive theatre and solo performance. Due to having to complete some of the degree during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, I also learned much about how to tailor and adapt my creative practice to new mediums (such as digital theatre) and how I can write about these experiences in engaging, reflective ways.
At the same time, you have worked on unscripted television, how did you approach that through your writing?
My work in unscripted television inspired my writing massively. I was inspired whilst working in that industry to write an autism sci-fi dramedy where the autistic protagonist is working as a development researcher in that industry. I have gained great feedback for the pilot script and treatment, and I am continuing to develop it.
What is the work you are most proud of and why?
I would say there are two projects I am most proud of in their own ways.
The first one would be my jukebox musical that I wrote and directed at college. I used my love of Adele’s music to write a jukebox musical about my autistic experiences. Collaborating on this with other students helped me gain the friendships I had been longing for since I became a teenager. I got Goosebumps when writing, making me realise this was my passion. Those feelings have remained since.
The second one would be my current project: the aforementioned sci-fi tv series. Due to my long-suspected (and recently diagnosed) ADHD, I was always worried I wouldn’t have the mental energy to sustain a tv project that requires constant excellence and relentless drive for a sustained period of time. However, despite all the challenges that my brain can give me, I keep both sustaining my passion for this show, and having the enthusiasm to make it better. I am really optimistic for where it can go in the future.
Now, as you are a jury member what moved you to be a part of the Make A Wish Film Festival, and what kind of representation do you give to the community too?
I have long respected Al Fenderico’s work and enthusiasm for the company he has worked so wonderfully to build. Festivals like this are so important to discover new writers (especially those from under-privileged and minority backgrounds), As a gay, autistic working-class writer, I have been thrilled to judge the scripts and hopefully give positive representation to the groups I am part of, showing that I am proud of my intersectionality.
As you are evaluating the projects, what are the aspects that make a project stand out according to you?
Something that is unique, daring and relatable. For example, I have always had a belief that the best sci-fi scripts are ironically the ones that feel the most real. By that, I mean ones that can still create and explore somewhat wacky worlds but involve characters being pushed and having to make important, relatable decisions for the advancement of their desires. Life on Mars (and its sequel Ashes to Ashes) were brilliant examples of this. Here you have present-day police officers seemingly being plunged back in time, but through that they visit members of their families, learn about the very non-PC, often discriminatory worlds of the 1970s and 80s worlds they are in, while also still trying to solve crimes and protect the innocent. The world may be barely believable, but the characters' emotions and actions are so real.
What do you wish for these projects you are evaluating?
Something that grips me from beginning to end.
The festival's winners will be announced online on September 30th for the following categories: Best Short Film, Best Director, Best Actor/Actress, Best Photography, Best Sound, and Best Screenplay.
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